Doing Math Together
When parents show an interest in math and make it part of their everyday family life – if they do math TOGETHER with their children – kids become more successful at math.
When parents show an interest in math and make it part of their everyday family life – if they do math TOGETHER with their children – kids become more successful at math.
Does the prospect of coordinating a student-led math event seem daunting? Learn how to focus on supporting your students as they plan and lead the event.
The Kentucky Academic Standards contain the minimum required standards that all Kentucky students should have the opportunity to learn before graduating from Kentucky high schools. The standards address what is to be learned, but do not address how learning experiences are to be designed or what resources should be used.
KCM professional learning experiences employ research-based, evidence-based models of student thinking and learning that are job-embedded and sustained.
The KNP Instructional Resources is a repository of proven numeracy development activities where you can search for differentiated learning experiences by: Kentucky Academic Standard, Grade Level, Fluency Benchmark, Level, Task Group, or Setting.
Formerly the KNP Intervention Guide.